Monday, October 28, 2013

6 Photos: Eiffel Tower

As I was looking through old photos, I decided on 6 of my favourite photos I took in different seasons, from different places, of the Eiffel Tower. Now I probably have over 100 photos from different days of this landmark, but these are just some favourites. To be honest... I kind of think the Eiffel Tower is overrated, but let's just pretend I didn't say that. I kind of think of it like my guilty pleasure. Here's the photos though!

In the Spring, when construction was going on, from Quai Branly.

From Place de la Concorde during a protest that was going on, in the Fall.

Spring/Summer from Av. Gustave Eiffel.

Summer while picnicing in the Champ de Mars park.

From the typical tourist location of Trocadéro, in the Winter.

On the Pont d'Léna bridge when friends came to visit in the Spring.
What are some of your cheesy, possibly overrated, touristy locations/landmarks?!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

The Expat 15

Okay, before I start this post can I just say, how in the f!@# do people blog every day of the week? I'm finding it hard enough to find time once a week! Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love blogging so far, but anyway... I'm just going to go ahead & blame it on the fact that I'm working overtime to pay for a few setbacks to do with Ireland (more on that later). No worries I AM still on my way there in just under a month! Onto the post.

Pinot, just because

So as the move comes closer, I can't help but be the pessimist that I am & dread the one part of travelling I can't seem to escape - the weight gain. As a general disclaimer, I gained 15 pounds in Paris... & no I was never 'fat' (whatever that even means in today's ridiculous society), but it was a noticeable difference on my 5'2" frame. I was not leading a healthy lifestyle & did not feel good, looks aside. Of course, most of my weight gain came from drinking wine along the Seine, eating baguettes at the corner bakery on a daily basis with Juliette & making a ridiculous amount more of wonderful memories, which I would take over a few pounds anyday. Saying that, I feel as though I shouldn't even have to explain myself anyway, so disclaimer over.

Fast forward, my brother's reaction said it all. Upon coming home, 'Woah, you've gained weight!' were his literal first words to me, after not seeing his baby sister for six months. Feelin' the love Jessy. In that moment I probably could've strangled him, being traumatized & at the sensitive age of 19... But looking back on it now I find it quite hilarious, how I'm not sure.

My exact thoughts at that moment...

So enough with that probably unnecessarily long intro & onto my kind of semi-plan as to what I'll be doing during the next few years of travelling in order to stay healthy. Hopefully some of you will find this helpful or interesting, as I'm sure I'm not the only one with a love of foreign beer & ham & cheese crepes at 3am. Also, I'd of course love to hear any of your stories regarding the 'Expat 15'... Including advice, actions plans, etc. so please do share!

Taken just left I left for Paris


Since returning from Paris about two years ago now, I've actually taken up gluten-free & dairy-free eating. To be frank, it was absolute & utter hell in the beginning. I was moody, hungry & basically miserable. But the benefits have far outweighed the beginning. I have clearer skin, am lighter, more energized & am experiencing less migraines as a whole. Of course I am not going to picket this lifestyle to anyone; it is work... A lot of work. I'm also not going to lecture anyone on the benefits, as well, it would probably bore the hell out of you (if I haven't already) & if you're curious, there's always Google! But I will be keeping this up as best as I can during my travels! One piece of advice, read the book Skinny Bitch. It's written in a witty way to help get your ass in gear.

So what do I eat? A lot of spinach. Haha... But in all honesty mostly leafy greens, fresh fruit & veggies, fish & plenty of nuts, seeds, quinoa, black beans & tofu! It's not actually as disgusting & bland as it sounds. Also if anyone would like any detox or recipe recommendations I have plenty!

Side note: I am not perfect & I do enjoy the occasional cappuccino... & plenty of steak. Also, I will never, ever give up bacon. Sorry, not sorry.

I'm just going to be real & start off with saying I hate the gym, no despise it. I do not advocate it. But of course if it is your thing, by all means kudos to you! I just can think of a million other things I'd rather be doing than sweating my ass off indoors while wearing spandex, next to girls on the elliptical that can easily last an hour (how?!)... Especially when travelling. Most of my cardio is from sightseeing & taking public transit, chasing foreign men, etc. etc. (ha, not funny?) as well as plenty of late night dancing... & though I don't believe in the gym, I do believe in: Walking my dog, yoga, blogilates & just general living!

I wish I had a better photo illustrating the weight gain, but thanks to clothing choices & staying away from bikinis, this was the best photo I could find! I find you can see the difference in my face especially.


Not going to lie regarding this topic, I generally do drink quite a bit more when abroad because well, what better way to experience a country & meet locals?! But since coming home from wine country, I've taken quite the liking to the red stuff. I'm pretty sure a glass (or bottle) of Shiraz or a Cab-Merlot is the way to heart. Anyway where I'm trying to get with this is that since I've switched from Guinness to red wine I've both lost weight & experienced less severe hangovers. I actually have my hangover cure down pat, if anyone is even the slightest bit interested!

I do drink quite a bit less as well (maybe once or twice a month now, as opposed to 2-3X a week) which of course helps. During my last trip to Ireland I found it incredibly easy to order a Guinness or Bulmer's with literally every meal I ate & will NOT be doing this while living there, as I'm almost positive I'd end up a good 50 pounds heavier by the end of my two year visa.

I s'pose that's all I have for now! Not really sure I want to take my blog the lifestyle route, but I definitely can write more on these topics if anyone would like. I find that although talked about a small amount in the travel blogging community, it's definitely not a huge topic. Myself, I love reading posts like these, so let me know what you think! Constructive criticism greatly appreciated & I'll leave you with this beauty of a photo. Talk soon!

My love of 1L bottles of tequila beer lives on

Saturday, October 5, 2013

The County in Fall... (Photo Edition)

I decided to take some of my own advice for once & be a tourist in my own area, whilst I wait for my move abroad. I mentioned this in my post on how not to go crazy during the wait for travel, but often I forget to take these little day trips myself & usually tend to focus on the bigger picture, forgetting about the little things around me.

But on to the photos! One of my friends & I have recently taken a few day trips around the 'county' as we call it, which actually happens to be quite a popular area for tourists during the Summer. Living here I often forget how gorgeous it can be. I s'pose I should probably mention that this area is Picton & Wellington, better known for its vineyards (Ontario's Taste Trail) & beaches (Sandbanks Provincial Park & North Beach in particular). Being my favourite season, I felt the need to document everything of course. My favourite photos from our trips...

Campbell's Orchard

Apple picking with my girl.

This orchard is seriously gorgeous.

& another... One of my favourite fall festivities.

Typical selfy, because there's a corn maze behind me of course.

Still at Campbell's Orchard.
Sandbanks Vineyard (along the Taste Trail)

Wellington Beach

Along the beach... Wellington is quite a rocky beach whereas at Sandbanks you'll find it to be more sandy (never would've guessed eh?!) as well as you'll also find the dunes there.

Seaweed? Quite fond of this photo, not sure why.

The lighthouse in Wellington, a town of approximately 1200.

The boat harbour in Picton.

If ever in the area, PLEASE stop at Slicker's, a cute little ice cream shop in Bloomfield who specialize in their own homemade ice cream. My favourite flavour is campfire!

Because bridges are always necessary.

As are Ed the Sock Monkey sweaters... Had to add this.

I'm almost positive there will be more fall photos to come, having a slight obsession with the season & all. But as always if you aren't sick of my photos yet you can pop on over to my Instagram for plenty more! & I'd love to hear your thoughts, see your photos?! Do you ever pretend to be a tourist in your own area? What are your favourite fall festivities! Or am I the only one who acts like a 13 year old this time of year?

Until next time! & remember...
